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November 8th, 2022

I should actually use this I guess. Well, first day of blog. I have no clue how to start this, so I'll just start talking. Yesterday was November 8th, 2022. Nothing very interesting happened, other than gym at school. Me and 4 others had to play arena football, and usually we don't do very well. But this time, somehow, we beat every team, including the stereotypical "strong and popular" boys.

November 9th, 2022

Today is November 9th (duh), and I am quite relieved because yesterday the midterm elections finished, meaning no more political ads. On my phones/computer, it was fine as I had ad blockers, but you can't get one on the TV, and the school blokced my ad blocker on the school chromebook for whatever reason.

November 10th, 2022

I'm actually suprised I remembered to update my blog. I don't know, guess I'm trying to fit in with the 90s and 00s internet stereotype of having a geocities website. Well anyways, on to my blog. Nothing too interesting happened today other than youTube being blocked on my school computer for about 40 minutes. Well, in gym today we started a new unit, basketball. We had to dribble with both hands across the court which was no problem, but then we had to dribble backwards, switching between hands fast, dribbling around our back, and dribbling under our legs. DISASTER! After a while, I decided to just dribble normally. Tomorrow is veterans day, which also means no school, so yay I guess.

November 14th, 2022

Yesterday I had made up my mind on what airsoft gun I want to use next. It was between an M14, or an AUG. I was thinking about getting the AUG, but changed my mind due to it's trigger working by if you hold down, the gun goes on full auto,and if you press it quickly, it is semi auto. The airsoft place that I go to doesn't allow full auto (That I know of) so I don't want to accidently fire at someone full auto. My mind thought of the M14, because it had all the functions that I wanted. However, I changed my mind back to the AUG because the M14 is bulky, heavy, and large. Plus, taking up the role as a DMR wouldn't suit my playing style I feel. Well anyways, done with my rant about airsoft. Other than that, not much is new with my life. I've decided on getting Touhou: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, which is a bullet-hell shoot 'em up game. But our new computer doesn't have a CD drive in it. So on my christmas list I put an external CD drive on my list so I would be able to play it since it is a physical only game. I wonder if I should make a new page of the blog every 4 entries. I probably will.

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